Introducing: Metabolic Renewal

Doctor-Designed to Optimize Your Female Metabolism…

Before and After shots of current users of Metabolic Renewal
  • Based on Dr. Teta’s Clinically-Proven "4 M" Framework…
  • Designed to Enhance Female Fat Loss (Including Around Belly)…
  • Keep Your Heart Strong, Bones Sturdy and Skin Supple…
  • Boost Your Energy, Improve Sleep and Balance Mood…
  • Control Your Hunger and Cravings and Maintain Ideal Weight.

Most programs are one-size-fits-all. That’s because they’re based on the same old research and outdated assumptions.

A little-known fact, for the past 100 years, nearly all of the exercise and nutrition research has been done on men. Young, healthy, college-age, MEN!

Metabolic Renewal empowers you with female-specific wisdom and tools. It helps you adapt how you eat, exercise and live your natural female hormonal rhythms.

Just look at the dramatic changes to female hormones that happen throughout life:

Blood Hormones Graph

Or what happens each and every month during the menstrual cycle:

Chart of Menstrual Cycle Hormone Levels

Don’t you think your daily habits and choices should change as well?

What works for your metabolism in one stage of your life or menstrual cycle may not in another.

Metabolic Renewal Box Set

It’s also why exercising and dieting like a man can be dangerous.

In fact, one study found exercising like a man can suppress a woman’s thyroid.1

An impaired thyroid slows down everything in the female body from digestion to brain function, to metabolism and fat burning.

Not only that, another Texas Tech study found that by exercising like a man, women significantly increase their risk of getting hurt.2

Metabolic Renewal solves that problem because it’s built from the ground up solely for women. It adapts as your hormones change, whether that’s day-to-day, month-to-month or year-to-year.

That helps you tap into your natural female metabolic advantage to lose weight and feel great. It keeps you and your hormones in sync and puts the wind in your sails. Life gets much easier.

Discover More in the Program Overview